You've all just experienced my very first bout of blog neglect!
But no more! Because I've been thinking a lot about motivation lately and finding new ways to keep myself "in it," in a sort of all-around general sense but also with blogging.
So, instead of looking inward or something (who does that?), I've allowed external forces to push me back here. First, there was a post from this little birdy (whose blog gets three cheers for delightfulness, deliciousness, and all of the other -nesses), suggesting I answer six questions on my blog. Which gave me this reason, or urgency even, to blog. I still didn't do it, but there was my first motive, my first hand-sealed invite back to blogger-status. And, eventually, there came to be a reason I didn't immediately post responses to Alicia's questions. The reason being my grand idea to sign up for vegan mofo. AKA THE VEGAN MONTH OF FOOD! Which means that I'll be blogging everyday in September! And I needed to save those six questions for a day when food was just not on the menu (I hope you understand, Miss Jaybird!).
We'll see what the next 30 days hold. Honestly, many blogfolk are so great about sitting down and writing consistently. Like anything else in life, that dedication pays off; some people will be taking vegan mofo to a whole new level with gorgeous photography and very carefully planned themes. One day, maybe, that'll be me. For now, I'm looking forward to reading what everyone produces during veganmofo. My own involvement is a fun, no pressure, trial run. I get to say I'm partaking as I peek endlessly at others' vegan food creations. And hopefully, I'll regain my motivation through both the challenge of vegan mofo and the inspiring recipes, images, and words others share throughout.

for some history and the blogroll!
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